Young People in the Civil Rights Movement

05/16/2013 19:50

Young people in the Civil Rights movement were an inspiration to all with their bravery. Nowadays it is hard to think of many people who would risk their lives for a cause at such a young age. The Brown vs. Board of Education case was so inspiring because it began the racial equality starting with the schooling system. It outlawed the separation of blacks and whites in school. Another history event was in Little Rock with the group of kids that attended an all white high school. They had so much courage and should still be noted today with their bravery. Young people also would leave school early to go attend riots in the city and would risk their lives for a cause that they truly believed in. With out the voice of innocence that children seemed to pertain the world would be very different nowadays. I am proud to be young now because I know that if I truly believe in a cause and have courage, I can make a difference. Knowing that someone can make a difference is always a proud moment because it gives life meaning or at least the hope that something greater will be remembered from ones life.