
04/11/2013 20:46


Propaganda: information esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

                Recently, I have learned that propaganda can make a huge difference in historical events. The propaganda can change what an entire population believes. I also have learned that different places use different types of propaganda as inspiration to get what they want, such as the differences between German propaganda and American propaganda in World War II. German propaganda was much more focused on patriotism than the American propaganda. The American propaganda was more directly aligned with targeting their enemy and making it seems like a person’s duty to help destroy their opponent.

                German propaganda, such as when Hitler gives a speech to their nation, is mainly to create a sense of unity in Germany. The propaganda creates a sense of pride. It is similar to “fight for our country to be a true member of our nation”.  There were many different types of propaganda such as posters, radio announcements, as well as the previously mentioned speeches usually led by popular Nazi leaders.

                The American propaganda in World War II was anglicized against their enemies. It was also a sense of patriotism but in a different way, bringing the country together by making the enemies appear horrible as well as dehumanizing them. There were just as many different forms of propaganda in the United States as there were in Germany. Both sources of propaganda were successful in convincing people to do as much as they could for their side of the war. Overall propaganda was a major influence during WWII.