Fall Reading Blog Post

05/30/2013 12:14


                To start off my fall reading adventure I walked into the library ready to pick a book for the second time. I turned to the History Reading shelf and chose a book that looked interesting called Pink by Lili Wilkinson. This was my first mistake. I should have realized that this book was probably not on the list if it was called Pink. Yet without checking to make sure I checked the book out of the library and continued to read it. It was interestingly about a girl who had a girlfriend. They both claimed to be lesbian but as the protagonist switched schools, she started to realize she was interested in males too. While I was finding this book interesting I kept waiting for a moment when it would connect with history class. Until finally I looked on Moodle at the list of books and could not find the one I had spent the last month reading. I then lost all inspiration to continue reading because I realized it would not connect to history. Now that I think about it though, I am interested in how the book ended and even though it did not pertain to history it pertains to current day issues such as Gay Rights.

                While I wouldn’t recommend reading a book that is not on the list, I would recommend reading this book if one is interested in a light read. It was not too thought provoking but was a little entertaining. In the end, I’m sure there are many more books that would be better to read for history class, but I wouldn’t totally dismiss this book.