Effect of Mindfulness

10/03/2012 14:16

This free blog post is always a struggle for me. There is such a vast amount of possibilities that one could choose from that it seems almost impossible to decide. Yet, now I am struck with clarity about what I want to blog about today. Mindfullness has been on my mind recently because it is a way to to treat anxiety and mood related problems. It stems from the Buddhist way of meditation. Mindfullness is basically being in the moment, here, now, and focusing soly on one thing such as walking, breathing, a frase, etc. Someone can practice mindfullness while doing almost anything. One way someone can practice mindfullness is while walking, focus on your foot hitting the ground, and then lifting it into the air slowly. This process can be quite difficult even though it seems fairly simple. When we slow down something so familiar to us and begin to examine it, the process can be quite difficult. While I enjoy trying to act mindful, it is a process that is incredibly hard to do.

    One can use mindfullness when they are feeling overwhelmed or are having reaccuring thoughts that negatively impact oneself. The effect of mindfullness clears ones head and can evade the negative thoughts or overwhelming sensations. This process is used widly to treat people with anxiety or depression because it can relieve the daily stresses one might carry on ones shoulder. The effectiveness is hard to research yet it seems as if most of the people that practice it are fairly satisfied by mindfullness. I suggest that anyone who desires to try mindfullness should because it doesn't require much and is very stress relieving.